College of Economics and Management

2014 International Conference on Global Economy Commerce and Service Science(GECSS2014)


Welcome to 2014 International Conference on Global Economy, Commerce and Service Science(GECSS2014) which will be held on January 11-12, 2014,  Phuket, Thailand.

All accepted papers from GECSS2014 will be published by Atlantis Press,

and will be indexed by CPCI-SSH(ISSHP).


GECSS2014 has entered the Atlantis Press(publisher) conference list: No.78 http://www.atlantis-press.com/php/proceedings_ordering.php


Topics: Economics, Finance, International trade, Commercial enterprise, Management, Marketing, Commercial psychologyCommodity science, Electronic commerce Intelligent services, Knowledge management Mental health services, Medicine and health care services, Risk management and so on.

Paper Submission via Email: gecss2014@vip.163.com

Paper submission due: October 10, 2013

EMAIL: gecss2014@vip.163.com

TEL: +86 15827456101


Excellent papers will be published on SCI and EI journals.
